Exercise 10.4.3

Write an $\O(n)$-time nonrecursive procedure that, given an $n$-node binary tree, prints out the key of each node in the tree. Use a stack as an auxiliary data structure.

C code

#define MAX_SIZE 10

struct tree_t {
    struct tree_t *left;
    struct tree_t *right;
    struct tree_t *parent;
    int key;
typedef struct tree_t tree_t;
void store(int);

void print_tree(tree_t *tree) {
    tree_t *stack[MAX_SIZE];
    int count = 0;

    stack[count++] = tree;

    while (count) {
        tree = stack[--count];


        if (tree->right)
            stack[count++] = tree->right;

        if (tree->left)
            stack[count++] = tree->left;

int keys[MAX_SIZE];
int count = 0;

void reset_storage() {
    count = 0;

void store(int key) {
    keys[count++] = key;