Exercise 11.2.4

Suggest how to allocate and deallocate storage for elements within the hash table itself by linking all unused slots into a free list. Assume that one slot can store a flag and either one element plus a pointer or two pointers. All dictionary and free-list operations should run in $\O(1)$ expected time. Does the free list need to be doubly linked or does a singly linked free list suffice?

Oh, wow. That was a doozy.

First of all, in my 15+ years of professional programming and 20+ years of just coding, this is absolutely the first time I implement a hash table. Can you believe it? It's worth a celebration.

Second, this is a bit exotic. It involves a few things:


The key phrase in the problem definition is "expected time". There's no way to solve this in constant time if every key hashes to the same bucket.


Well, each element of the table is either:

When we initialize the hash table, we need to iterate it and make sure that each slot is linked together in a free list.

To allocate a slot, we remove it from the free list by modifying prev and next to point to each other, and setting free to false.

To return a slot to the free list, we set free to true and insert it in the beginning.


Nothing really changes, apart from a small optimization - if the head of a chain in a bucket hashes to a value, different than the bucket index, we can treat this slot as empty (it's hosting an element for another chain). We don't need to walk it.


There are three possibilities:

  1. The bucket slot is empty. We allocate the slot (setting free = true and removing it from the free list), and put the element in there with an empty next.

  2. The bucket slot contains an element with the same hash value. We allocate a new slot, and insert it after the head of the chain (avoids moving items).

  3. The bucket slot contains an element with a different hash value. This means the slot is hosting an element from another chain. We need to relocate it to another empty slot and update the chain by starting from the head (which we can find with the hash value) and finding the pointer we need to update. Once the element has been reallocated, we can insert like in step 2.


We hash the value to h and lookup the h-th slot.

While the slot's value matches the value we need to delete, we copy the next element in the chain over, and free its slot. We repeat that until the chain is empty, or until it starts with an element with the same hash, but different value.

We proceed with the rest of the chain to remove the other elements that match the value, returning slots to the free list.

Does the free list need to be doubly linked?


Otherwise, reserving a free slot will be linear to the size of the free list (e.g. the size of the hash), because we're not interested in any free slot, but rather a specific free slot.


If the above didn't make sense, hopefully the code below might:

C code

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

#define SIZE 10
#define HASH(v) (v % 10)

// --- Types and internals --------------------------------------------------

typedef int value_t;

struct element_t;

typedef struct element_t {
    char free;
    union {
        struct {
            struct element_t *prev;
            struct element_t *next;
        } empty;

        struct {
            value_t value;
            struct element_t *next;
        } used;
} element_t;

typedef struct {
    element_t buckets[SIZE];
    element_t free_list;
} hash_t;

// --- Helpers --------------------------------------------------------------

int hash_value(value_t value) {
    return HASH(value);

void remove_from_free_list(hash_t *hash, element_t *element) {
    element->empty.prev->empty.next = element->empty.next;
    element->empty.next->empty.prev = element->empty.prev;
    element->free = 0;

void return_to_free_list(hash_t *hash, element_t *element) {
    element_t *sentinel = &(hash->free_list);

    element->free = 1;
    element->empty.next = sentinel->empty.next;
    element->empty.prev = sentinel;

    sentinel->empty.next = element;

element_t *allocate(hash_t *hash) {
    element_t *element = hash->free_list.used.next;

    assert(element != &(hash->free_list));

    remove_from_free_list(hash, element);

    return element;

void reallocate(hash_t *hash, element_t *element) {
    int index = hash_value(element->used.value);

    element_t *location = &(hash->buckets[index]);


    element_t *new = allocate(hash);
    new->used.value = element->used.value;
    new->used.next = element->used.next;

    while (location->used.next != element) {
        location = location->used.next;


    location->used.next = new;

// --- Public interface -----------------------------------------------------

hash_t *make_hash() {
    hash_t *hash = malloc(sizeof(hash_t));

    hash->free_list.empty.next = hash->buckets;
    hash->free_list.empty.prev = hash->buckets + SIZE;

    element_t *current = &(hash->free_list);
    current->free = 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        element_t *next = &(hash->buckets[i]);

        next->free = 1;
        next->empty.prev = current;

        current->empty.next = next;

        current = next;

    current->empty.next = &(hash->free_list);
    hash->free_list.empty.prev = current;

    return hash;

element_t *search(hash_t *hash, value_t value) {
    int index = hash_value(value);

    element_t *element = &(hash->buckets[index]);

    while (element && !element->free) {
        if (element->used.value == value) {
            return element;

        element = element->used.next;

    return NULL;

void insert(hash_t *hash, value_t value) {
    int index = hash_value(value);

    element_t *element = &(hash->buckets[index]);

    if (element->free) {
        remove_from_free_list(hash, element);

        element->used.value = value;
        element->used.next = NULL;
    } else if (hash_value(element->used.value) == index) {
        element_t *new = allocate(hash);

        new->used.value = value;
        new->used.next = element->used.next;
        element->used.next = new;
    } else {
        reallocate(hash, element);

        element->used.value = value;
        element->used.next = NULL;

void delete(hash_t *hash, value_t value) {
    int index = hash_value(value);

    element_t *head = &(hash->buckets[index]);

    if (head->free || hash_value(head->used.value) != index) {

    while (head->used.value == value) {
        element_t *next = head->used.next;

        if (next) {
            assert(hash_value(next->used.value) == index);

            head->used.value = next->used.value;
            head->used.next = next->used.next;
            return_to_free_list(hash, next);
        } else {
            return_to_free_list(hash, head);

    element_t *element = head;

    while (element->used.next) {
        element_t *next = element->used.next;

        assert(hash_value(next->used.value) == index);

        if (next->used.value == value) {
            element->used.next = next->used.next;
            return_to_free_list(hash, next);
        } else {
            element = next;

// --- Debug ----------------------------------------------------------------

void print_hash(hash_t *hash) {
    int free_slots = 0;
    element_t *item = hash->free_list.empty.next;

    while (item != &(hash->free_list)) {
        item = item->empty.next;

    printf("\nfree slots in linked list: %d\n", free_slots);

    free_slots = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        if (hash->buckets[i].free) free_slots++;

    printf("free slots in hash array:  %d\n\n", free_slots);

    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
        element_t *element = &(hash->buckets[i]);

        printf("    +------+\n");
        printf(" %-2d | ", i);

        if (element->free) {
            printf("     |");
        } else {
            int foreign = hash_value(element->used.value) != i;
            printf("%1s %2d |", (foreign ? "/" : " "), element->used.value);

            if (!foreign) {
                while (element->used.next) {
                    printf(" -> ");
                    element = element->used.next;

                    if (element->free) {

                    printf("%2d", element->used.value);

    printf("    +------+\n");