Exercise 11.3.4

Consider a hash table of size $m = 1000$ and a corresponding hash function $h(k) = \lfloor m (kA \bmod 1) \rfloor$ for $A = (\sqrt{5} - 1)/2$. Compute the locations to which the keys 61, 62, 63, 64, and 65 are mapped.

It would have been nice if we could $m$ was a power of 2, in which case we could have bit-shifted.

Otherwise, he's the answer, along with some Python code to generate it

Python runner output

h(61) = 700
h(62) = 318
h(63) = 936
h(64) = 554
h(65) = 172

Python code

from math import floor

m = 1000
s = 2654435769
A = s / (2 ** 32)

def h(k):
    ka = k * A
    frac = ka - floor(ka)

    return int(m * frac)