Exercise 14.1.8

$\star$ Consider $n$ chords on a circle, each defined by its endpoints. Describe an $\O(n \lg n)$-time algorithm to determine the number of pairs of chords that intersect inside the circle. (For example, if the $n$ chords are all diameters that meet at the center, then the correct answer is $\binom n 2$.) Assume that no two chords share an endpoint.

It's an interesting algorithm:

def count_chords(chords):
    points = []

    for (start, end) in chords:
        if start > end:
            start, end = end, start

        points.append({'kind': 'start', 'x': start})
        points.append({'kind': 'end', 'x': end, 'start': start})

    points = sorted(points, key=lambda point: point['x'])

    tree = Tree()
    count = 0

    for point in points:
        if point['kind'] == 'start':
            assert point['kind'] == 'end'

            count += tree.size() - tree.search(point['start']).rank()

    return count

First, we sort all the points, all while keeping track of whether they are the start or the end of an interval, and how to look up the start from the end point. This takes $\O(n \lg n)$ time because of the sort. We can now iterate the points in order.

Next, we need to consider the following invariant:

If $a$ and $b$ are the start and end of a chord, then it intersects with all chords that have start $s$ such that $a < s < b$ and end $e$ such that $e > b$.

That is, every chord that starts between the two endpoints of another will intersect with it, if it's endpoint is outside this range. Note that this holds true in the other direction as well ($s < a < e < b$), but this will double-count the intersection. Thus, we interested only in counting pairs $(a, b)$ and $(s, e)$, such that $a < s < b < e$.

The way we can do that is by iterating over the points and doing the following:

Each step is at most an $\O(\lg n)$ operation, and since we perform $2n$ of them, the total time is $\O(n \lg n)$.

Python code

from enum import Enum
from collections import deque

def count_chords(chords):
    points = []

    for (start, end) in chords:
        if start > end:
            start, end = end, start

        points.append({'kind': 'start', 'x': start})
        points.append({'kind': 'end', 'x': end, 'start': start})

    points = sorted(points, key=lambda point: point['x'])

    tree = Tree()
    count = 0

    for point in points:
        if point['kind'] == 'start':
            assert point['kind'] == 'end'

            count += tree.size() - tree.search(point['start']).rank()

    return count

class Color(Enum):
    RED = 1
    BLACK = 2

NIL_KEY = object()

def other(direction):
    if direction == 'left':
        return 'right'
    elif direction == 'right':
        return 'left'

class Node:
    def __init__(self, color, key, parent, left, right, tree, size):
        self.color = color
        self.key = key
        self.parent = parent
        self.left = left
        self.right = right
        self.tree = tree
        self.size = size

    def sexp(self):
        if self.isNil():
            return 'NIL'

        color = 'R' if self.color == Color.RED else 'B'

        return f"{color}({self.key}, {self.left}, {self.right})"

    __str__ = sexp

    def black_height(self):
        node = self
        height = 0

        while node is not nil:
            if node.color == Color.BLACK:
                height += 1
            node = node.parent

        return height

    def isRed(self):
        return self.color == Color.RED

    def isBlack(self):
        return self.color == Color.BLACK

    def isNil(self):
        return self.key is NIL_KEY

    def isNotNil(self):
        return not self.isNil()

    def __bool__(self):
        return self.isNotNil()

    def child(self, direction):
        if direction == 'left':
            return self.left
        elif direction == 'right':
            return self.right

    def set_child(self, direction, child):
        if direction == 'left':
            self.left = child
        elif direction == 'right':
            self.right = child

    __getitem__ = child
    __setitem__ = set_child

    def other(self, direction):
        return self.child(other(direction))

    def rotate(self, direction):
        child = self.other(direction)
        self[other(direction)] = child[direction]

        if child[direction]:
            child[direction].parent = self

        child.parent = self.parent

        if not self.parent:
            self.tree.root = child
        elif self is self.parent[direction]:
            self.parent[direction] = child
            self.parent[other(direction)] = child

        child[direction] = self
        self.parent = child

        child.size = self.size
        self.size = self.left.size + self.right.size + 1

    def left_rotate(self):

    def right_rotate(self):

    def transplant(self, other):
        if not self.parent:
            self.tree.root = other
        elif self is self.parent.left:
            self.parent.left = other
            self.parent.right = other
        other.parent = self.parent

    def set(self, parent=None, left=None, right=None, color=None):
        if color:
            self.color = color
        if left is not None:
            self.left = left
        if right is not None:
            self.right = right
        if parent is not None:
            self.parent = parent

    def minimum(self):
        node = self

        while node.left:
            node = node.left

        return node

    def select(self, i):
        node = self

        while node:
            rank = node.left.size + 1
            if i == rank:
                return node
            elif i < rank:
                node = node.left
                i -= rank
                node = node.right


    def rank(self):
        rank = self.left.size + 1

        node = self

        while node.parent:
            if node == node.parent.right:
                rank += node.parent.left.size + 1
            node = node.parent

        return rank

nil = Node(Color.BLACK, NIL_KEY, None, None, None, None, 0)
nil.parent = nil
nil.left = nil
nil.right = nil

class Tree:
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = nil

    def __str__(self):
        return self.root.sexp()

    def size(self):
        return self.root.size

    def search(self, key):
        node = self.root

        while node:
            if node.key == key:
                return node
            elif key < node.key:
                node = node.left
                node = node.right

        return None

    def nodes(self):
        items = deque()

        if self.root:

        while items:
            node = items.popleft()

            yield node

            if node.left:

            if node.right:

    def select(self, i):
        return self.root.select(i)

    def insert(self, key):
        new = Node(Color.RED, key, None, None, None, self, 1)
        parent = nil
        node = self.root
        while node:
            node.size += 1

            parent = node
            if new.key < node.key:
                node = node.left
                node = node.right

        new.parent = parent

        if not parent:
            self.root = new
        elif new.key < parent.key:
            parent.left = new
            parent.right = new

        new.set(left=nil, right=nil, color=Color.RED)


    def insert_fixup(self, node):
        while node.parent.isRed():
            if node.parent is node.parent.parent.left:
                direction = 'left'
                direction = 'right'

            if direction == 'left' or direction == 'right':
                uncle = node.parent.parent[other(direction)]
                if uncle.isRed():
                    node.parent.color = Color.BLACK
                    uncle.color = Color.BLACK
                    node.parent.parent.color = Color.RED
                    node = node.parent.parent
                    if node is node.parent[other(direction)]:
                        node = node.parent
                    node.parent.color = Color.BLACK
                    node.parent.parent.color = Color.RED

        self.root.color = Color.BLACK

    def delete(self, key):
        def decrease_ancestor_sizes(node):
            while node:
                node.size -= 1
                node = node.parent

        deleted = self.search(key)
        y = deleted
        y_original_color = y.color

        if not deleted.left:
            extra_black = deleted.right
        elif not deleted.right:
            extra_black = deleted.left
            y = deleted.right.minimum()
            y_original_color = y.color
            extra_black = y.right


            if y.parent is deleted:
                extra_black.parent = y
                y.right = deleted.right
                y.right.parent = y

            y.left = deleted.left
            y.left.parent = y
            y.color = deleted.color
            y.size = y.left.size + y.right.size + 1

        if y_original_color == Color.BLACK:

    def delete_fixup(self, node):
        while node is not self.root and node.isBlack():
            if node is node.parent.left:
                direction = 'left'
                direction = 'right'

            sibling = node.parent[other(direction)]

            if sibling.isRed():
                sibling.color = Color.BLACK
                node.parent.color = Color.RED
                sibling = node.parent[other(direction)]

            if sibling.left.isBlack() and sibling.right.isBlack():
                sibling.color = Color.RED
                node = node.parent
                if sibling[other(direction)].isBlack():
                    sibling[direction].color = Color.BLACK
                    sibling.color = Color.RED
                    sibling = node.parent[other(direction)]

                sibling.color = node.parent.color
                node.parent.color = Color.BLACK
                sibling[other(direction)].color = Color.BLACK
                node = self.root

        node.color = Color.BLACK